Humanities Project: Everman Spins Tales from across the Globe

Humanities Project: Everman Spins Tales from across the Globe

Flavia Everman has been telling stories since her high school drama class at Buchanan High School in Troy, Missouri.  Her stories consist of mostly fables and folktales from around the U.S. and other countries.  She is interested in “How” and “Why” stories such as “How the Jack Rabbit Got Its Long Ears”.  These stories of the past have been passed down for years and usually with end with a moral or thought provoking message.

Everman has collected stories and folktales from Ireland, Africa, Germany, England, the Appalachians and the swamps of Louisiana.  They are the stories of our past, our ancestors, and usually accompanied by a moral or thought provoking message.  Join Everman for a journey back in time, to places yet to visit, with people we all know.  These stories will tickle your funny bone, encourage you to try harder or inspire you to seek your future.

Everman’s tour in Montgomery County will start on Monday August 19th at the Coffeyville Meal Site, Sycamore Landing and Windsor Place Assisted Living before arriving at the Spencer/Rounds Theatre on the CCC Campus at 10:20 a.m. on Tuesday, August 20th. Everman will continue her tour of Coffeyville with Windsor Place, Windsor Place SCU and the Medicalodge of Coffeyville on Tuesday.  Wednesday she will entertain residents at Asbury Village and Manor House followed by the students at Caney Valley High School on Thursday and the Caney Nursing Home and Guest Home Estates in Caney on Friday.

The public is invited to the 10:20 a.m. Tuesday Humanities performances at CCC.  The performances are free and held in the Spencer/Rounds Theatre.  For more information visit or call 620-251-7700 ext. 2145.