Student Handbook: General Residence Hall Policies


It is the policy of Coffeyville Community College to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), the Fair Housing Act, and other applicable federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. Students seeking accommodations must self identify with the Director of Academic Advising and Student Success Center.

Housing Meetings

During the semester, certain floor and residence hall meetings will be designated as “mandatory” by the residence hall staff. Residents must attend mandatory meetings. Failure to attend these meetings will result in missing out on valuable information. Failure to attend mandatory meetings will result in one warning. A second offense will result in a “failure to attend a mandatory housing meeting” fine and/or community service.


Student use and possession of alcohol is prohibited in the Residence Halls. Possession found will result in community service, fines, and/or removal from the Residence Halls.


Students who wish to remain in the Residence Hall over holiday breaks and in between semesters must receive advance approval from the Director of Student Life. Students receiving approval will be charged the daily room rate.

Prohibited Items

If found, the following items will be confiscated, and individuals will be subject to disciplinary actions:

  • Animals or pets of any kind.
  • Any type of smoking substance or inhalant (except tobacco products).
  • Candles, fireworks, explosives, charcoal/gas grills, oil lamps, incense or any combustible device (gasoline, benzene, flammable liquids, chemicals).
  • Federal, state, college, local or other signs.
  • Weapons, or other dangerous instruments which may cause injury or damage to person or property.
  • Hot plates, toaster ovens, George Foreman and similar grills.


Students may bring their own carpet. Students bringing their own carpet are also responsible for removal of the carpet and any carpet tape. Students are required to keep carpet clean.


The College Residence Halls are designed for single sex occupancy. In the event that a vacancy occurs in a room or suite, it may not be occupied by a member of the opposite sex. No member of the opposite sex is allowed in a suite or room of the opposite sex after curfew hours.


Use of approved microwave ovens is permitted. All other cooking in the Residence Hall units is prohibited. Unauthorized cooking appliances will be confiscated. Violators are subject to disciplinary action.

Roommate Rights

A roommate can be a cohort, tutor, and adviser. They can also be the friend with whom you share the fun and pressures of your college years. We hope the relationships you build with your roommate will continue long after you leave Coffeyville Community College.

We all have rights, especially as roommates. You and your roommate have the right to . . .

  • Read and study in your room without undue disturbance.
  • Sleep without undue disturbance.
  • Expect each will respect the others personal belongings.
  • Live in a clean environment.
  • Free access to your room without interference.
  • Personal privacy.
  • Host guests, provided the guests respect roommate’s rights and those of other hall residents.
  • Be free from fear of intimidation and physical or emotional harm.
  • Refuse requests without having to feel guilty or selfish.
  • Feel or express anger.
  • Make mistakes.
  • Have opinions, feelings, and needs be given respect and consideration.
  • Be independent.
  • Expect reasonable cooperation regarding use of your room.

Curfew Hours/Visitors

The following procedure has been designed to provide additional safety and security for all residents. Visitors are permitted in the Residence Halls between the following hours and days:

  • 8 am - Midnight Sunday through Thursday
  • 9 am - 2 am Friday and Saturday

During recognized holidays, the 2 am curfew for visitors will apply when classes are not in session the following day.

All visitors are required to leave the Residence Halls at midnight on Sunday through Thursday, and at 2 am on Friday and Saturday. Visitors failing to follow the curfew rules will be escorted out of the Residence Halls and not allowed to visit the Residence Halls again.

All visitors must follow the following procedures 24 hours a day in Walker Hall and after 7:00 pm in Raven Hall:

  1. Sign in at the Security Window/Desk.
  2. Leave identification (driver’s license).
  3. Wait until the student they are visiting meets them at the Security Window/Desk.
  4. Enter and exit through the main entrance.

Guests under the age of 18 years must be pre-approved with the Residence Hall Directors during regular business hours at least 48 hours prior to arrival. All guests pre-approved by the Directors must abide by the curfew laws of the City of Coffeyville. These guests must be out of the complexes by midnight weekdays and 2 am weekends.

The following are general reminders regarding visitation:

  • All visitors must be escorted by (in the immediate company of) a resident of the hall.
  • Guests will be asked to leave the residence hall if their behavior is disturbing residents.
  • Residents assume complete responsibility for the action of their guests. Make certain that guests are aware of residence hall policies.
  • Individuals who have been evicted and/or banned from the halls are prohibited from entering the residence halls and are not to be assisted by residents in entering the halls.
  • Cohabitation in residence hall rooms is not allowed. Residence hall staff reserves the right to define or limit cohabitation at any time.
  • Guests under the age of 18 years must be pre-approved with the Residence Hall Directors during regular business hours at least 48 hours prior to arrival. All guests pre-approved by the Directors must abide by the curfew laws of the City of Coffeyville. These guests must be out of the complexes by midnight weekdays and 2 am weekends.
  • Overnight and out-of-town guests are permitted in the Residence Halls only with prior approval by the Residence Hall Directors. Written approval must be received at least 48 hours prior to arrival.

Electrical Outlets

Each unit/suite has multiple outlets. Using numerous adapters and power strips in an attempt to run more items than the electrical load can handle may result in disruption to the electrical service and damage to your appliances. The College will not be responsible for this damage.


Contact the Residence Hall Manager on duty, Security Personnel or the Residence Hall Director in event of an emergency. Emergency telephone numbers are listed on the inside cover of this handbook and at the security window in the Residence Halls.

Severe Weather: Tornado Warnings

All persons in Residence Halls should seek shelter immediately. With advance notice to a warning, students should move to the basement of the Director of Student Life’s apartment, the basement of the St. Paul Lutheran Church (506 W 9th) or the basement of the Student Union away from glass, doors, and windows. At the bare minimum, students should move into the restrooms on the ground floor of Dr. Terry Powell Hall.


One representative of a building suspecting a fire should go to the nearest phone and call 911 immediately. Every person shall vacate the building by the shortest route to the exterior and remain outside until directed to do otherwise. If an alarm or smoke detector sounds, be sure to check any door before opening it. If the door is hot, remain inside the room and exit through a window or summons help from the open window. Tampering with fire equipment (smoke detectors, extinguisher, or alarms) is, in addition to being a danger to others, a violation of College policy and state law. In case of emergencies in Walker Hall, the Security Guard will be responsible for unlocking the back gates. In the absence of the Security Guard, the Director of Student Life will assume this responsibility.

Entrance Guidelines

Suites, including all commons areas, may be entered at any time by College officials, maintenance, cleaning, and security personnel. Living Units (rooms) may be entered:

  • By authorized College officials without notice when it is apparent or suspicion or probable cause that a violation of College or civil regulation is being or has been committed.
  • By authorized College personnel to ensure that health, fire, and safety regulations are maintained. In addition, individual fire alarms may be checked between the 10th and 15th day of each month.
  • By College personnel with advance notice to make improvements and repairs to provide routine maintenance.
  • By authorized College personnel without notice when repair or maintenance work has been requested. Residents need not be present.
  • By law enforcement officers in the performances of statutory duties and in accordance with legally defined procedures governing search and seizure.
  • By authorized College officials without notice for check-in or check-out and safety checks at semester holiday breaks.
  • By authorized housing and/or maintenance personnel where major remodeling is taking place (e.g. replacing shower walls). The residents are notified of such projects.


Residence Hall units are furnished with beds, desks, chairs. Students may bring additional furniture. Residence Hall policy does require that all furniture, including personal items, remain in the rooms at all times. Tenants are required to remove all personal items from rooms at check-out (See CHECK-OUT). Students leaving unit furniture outside are in violation of policy and are subject to disciplinary action. Individuals who possess furniture/properties which belong to CCC are subject to disciplinary action.

Health Inspection

The Director of Student Life, Assistant Director of Student Life and/or Student Life Managers may conduct weekly room inspections for possible damages and to verify the cleanliness of each unit and room. It is necessary for the Residence Hall suites and rooms to be neat and orderly to ensure health and safety for all residents. If a room is not neat and orderly, the student will be notified by a Residence Hall staff member or sponsor and will be required to clean the room. A student who fails to comply with these notices will be subject to disciplinary action or damage assessment.


Dr. Terry Powell Hall & Pat Walker Residence Hall – Students should place properly bagged trash in the trash room located on each floor. Housekeeping will remove the bags; clean the hallways and public areas.

Internet Service

CCC carefully planned and constructed a reliable and robust network in our residence halls. In order to best accomplish this, each dormitory room was built with two wired network connections. This setup allows every resident the ability to plug in their own desktop, laptop or gaming system.

In order to provide the highest level of Internet service personal wireless equipment should not be used in any dorm room. Since every resident can obtain access without the use of personal wireless equipment, the usage of such equipment is forbidden.

For these reasons, the official policy of Walker Hall and Dr. Terry Powell Hall states, “No resident should plug any wireless device into the network. Failure to comply with the request will be considered a violation of dorm policy which will result in the confiscation of wireless equipment and/or fine. Repeated violations of this policy will result in the loss of Internet access in addition to the above sanctions.


The Kansas Department of Health and Environment recommends that all College students be immunized against various vaccine preventable diseases. Those preventable diseases include Hepatitis B, Influenza, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Tetanus, Varicella and Meningococcal.

Coffeyville Community College requires students living in Residence Halls to provide written documentation of the immunizations that they have received, specifically meningococcal, or a signed waiver which indicates they have been informed of the recommendations and have chosen not to be immunized. In addition, CCC requires tuberculosis testing for all newly enrolling and re-enrolling students who were born, lived or traveled outside the United States within the past twelve months.

Rental Insurance

The College is not responsible for theft, loss, or damage of personal property. A student is encouraged to have insurance through their parents or through a separate rental policy.


In event that a student loses his/her keys:

  • Notify the Director of Student Life and Student Conduct or Walker Hall Coordinator about the lost key.
  • $20 fee per key is assessed for key replacement. (Fee must be paid before a new key is authorized.)


  • Tenants will be responsible for keeping room keys with them at all times. Lockouts will be handled by the Residence Hall Directors or Student Life Managers. Students who require assistance for a lockout are charged a $10 fee and are required to produce a key and/or student ID when the Student Life Manager unlocks the room door.
  • Lockout assistance will be completed at the earliest time feasible to the residence life staff and public safety. Leaving room/suite doors unlocked is dangerous and also places all suite mates’ belongings at risk.

Laundry Facility

The Laundry Facility is available for use 24 hours a day for residence hall students only. Any student found manipulating the coin box in any way to wash clothes for free will be subject to disciplinary action. Residents will be held responsible for any damage other than normal “wear and tear” to the laundry room facility and may lose the right to use the facility. Any clothes left in the laundry facility overnight will be collected the next day and given to a local charity.

NOTE: Coffeyville Community College is not liable for any items which may be stolen.


Mailboxes for students who reside in Dr. Terry Powell Hall and Pat Walker Hall are located in the shared entrance to both dormitory’s on the first floor next to the security desk. Mail is distributed after 1:00 pm Monday through Friday. Students are required to present a student I.D. when picking up packages.

Packages may be picked up between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. from the window outside of marketing in the Arts & Science Building. Students will be assigned his/her mailbox combination within the first week of classes and will be given instructions on how the lock system works. A student who loses his/her combination should contact Director of Student Life and Walker Hall Coordinator during normal business hours.

Receiving mail on campus – Mail should be addressed directly to the student with the appropriate dormitory address. Dormitory addresses are listed in the front of this handbook. Example:

Men's Dorm
Your Name
Powell Hall
902 S Beech ST
Coffeyville, KS  67337

Women's Dorm
Your Name
Walker Hall
610 W 10TH ST
Coffeyville, KS  67337


Maintenance requests are made by filling out a “Maintenance Request” form. This form should be placed in a maintenance repair box in each Residence Hall or given to a Residence Hall Director. You may also email your request to If the problem has not been addressed within forty-eight (48) hours, contact the switchboard operator, located in the Student Services area. In the event of a maintenance emergency, such as heating, air conditioning, plumbing or electrical problems, contact the Director of Student Life or the Walker Hall Coordinator immediately.

Medical Emergency

In the event of an emergency, call an ambulance, and then notify a Resident Hall staff member. If you have a condition which might require medical attention, it is important that you notify both the College and your roommate. CCC may notify a parent or legal guardian in case of an emergency or in a situation which they deem to be potentially life threatening or a risk to your health/safety.

Noise Complaint

Excessive and/or disruptive noise during day hours (until 7 pm) should be reported to a Director of Student Life and Assistant Director of Student Life.

Excessive and/or disruptive noise during evening hours (7 pm - 2:30 am) can be reported to the on-duty Student Life Manager in the security office. The Student Life Manager can be reached at 620.252.7046 in Dr. Terry Powell Hall and 620.252-7150, ext. 400 in Walker Hall. After 2:30 am, Campus Security can be contacted at 620.252.7395. When Campus Security is not available by telephone, security personnel are on routine security checks throughout the campus. Please contact a Student Life Manager, the Director of Student Life, or the Walker Hall Coordinator if security is unavailable.


There are a maximum number of 8 people allowed in Dr. Terry Powell Hall per unit and 10 people allowed in Walker Hall per suite. Parties that comply with all other Residence Hall guidelines are permitted except during quiet hours. Use of alcohol and illegal drugs is a violation and will result in disciplinary action.


NO pets are allowed in the Residence Halls, including the laundry facilities, at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, dogs, cats, snakes, rodents, fish, lizards, spiders, and birds.


All posters, flayers, and banners to be posted in any Residence Hall facilities must be pre-approved by the Director of Student Life. General guidelines for posters follow.

  1. A group requesting to hang posters must be a recognized campus organization.
  2. Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs cannot be mentioned or portrayed on the poster.

Quiet Hours

Observe noise consideration all hours of the day, students have the entitlement to study and sleep. The noise level needs to be limited to a level that will not disturb your nearest neighbor. Specific Quiet hours are enforced for noise within the residence hall, They are:

  • Weekdays: Midnight - 8 am
  • Weekends: 2 am - 8 am

During quiet hours, residents must refrain from playing sound equipment (i.e., stereos, radios, TV, etc.) at any level that can be heard outside the individual rooms. Residents need to first ask the resident.


Dropping objects from windows, dartboards, throwing balls, frisbees, bouncing balls, water balloons or other such objects is not permitted in residence halls.

Stereo/Sound Equipment

Stereos, radios, and TVs should be played at a volume that cannot be heard outside the resident’s unit or room at any time during quiet hour regulations. The use of headphones for stereo equipment is recommended. If excessive noise results from abuse of volume levels, the stereo equipment will be confiscated (returned at end of semester), and disciplinary action will result. Electronically amplified equipment is NOT allowed in the Residence Halls except for residents who are taking a music course. This exception requires a signed permission form from the Director of Student Life.


Coffeyville Community College does not supply storage for tenants. There are several local businesses that do offer storage at monthly rates. A student is not allowed to leave any items during the summer break in rooms or units.


Lock both room and exterior suite doors at all times. Do not prop doors with the door chains and dead bolts provided on your room door. Most thefts occur from open doors and windows, not forced break-ins. Coffeyville Community College is NOT responsible for any theft, loss, or damage of personal property that may occur. In case of theft, please contact the Director of Student Life and the local police officials immediately.

Tobacco Usage

Smoking is allowed in designated areas only. The use of any tobacco products and/or the distribution of tobacco products, including smokeless, is prohibited in all College facilities, (i.e., classrooms, hallways, dorm rooms, offices, the Student Union, Gilmer K. Nellis Hall, Football Complex, Learning Resource Center, and Theatre), in any College-owned vehicle, at College-sponsored events, on College grounds which have been posted as tobacco-free areas as well as within ten feet outside any building access point (such as doorways, open windows, and air intakes).


Each window is equipped with window screens. Removing window screens and/or individual entering or exiting through windows, except in the case of emergency, will be subject to discipline actions.

Housing Contract Conditions

The CCC Housing Contract provides room and board for all Residence Hall tenants. All tenants are required to participate in the meal plan. The resident (and her/his parents if the resident is under age 18) is responsible for full contractual obligations. This contract is binding, and the resident is still responsible for the contract if the resident leaves or moves off campus.

Students who wish to remain in the Residence Hall over holiday breaks and in between semesters must receive advance approval from the Director of Student Life and Student Conduct. Students receiving approval will be charged the daily room rate.

Coffeyville Community College reserves the right to refuse or cancel any contract and/or return any advance payment. Students must be officially admitted to CCC as a student in good standing and have submitted the Residence Hall Contract plus the Immunization Information Form. Individuals who have a criminal record involving a felony offense may not be eligible for College housing.

Room Alterations

Each resident is responsible for the condition of his/her room and all College furniture. Painting walls, floors, ceilings, or furnishings is not permitted. Removing window screens or tampering with smoke alarms and fire extinguishers is strictly prohibited. Monetary fines will be assessed for these violations. Permanently affixed or fastened room fixtures such as bookshelves, closets, and desks, cannot be tampered with or removed. A student who modifies room furnishings (i.e., construct lofts, bunk beds, partitions, bookshelves or other structures) does so at his/her own risk. Each resident will be financially responsible if a person is injured by any structure or article constructed or brought into the living unit.

Hanging Pictures or Items

It is recommended that the student use sticky putty or 3M strips, a tenant will not be allowed to use permanent adhesive like glue, double sided tape, nails or screws.

Assignment Changes

It is important that roommates work together to create a living environment that allows freedom with respect and responsibility. However, should problems arise a resident may request an assignment change to another living unit. The resident should contact the Residence Hall Director to discuss the situation and the change of assignment process.

A resident may not move until written approval is received from the Residence Hall Director. The Director reserves the right to re-assign a resident to a different living area at any time, if it is in the best interest of the resident, other residents, or the College. Any resident who is asked to move by his/her coach and/or activity sponsor is required to have approval from the Director. The student is held responsible for following and completing proper procedures.

Consideration Policy

If the occupancy of a Residence Hall room falls below two individuals, the remaining resident has the following options:

  1. Accept another roommate.
  2. Move into another Residence Hall room having only one occupant.
  3. Space permitting, pay the additional single room charge.


Waterbeds are not permitted in the Residence Halls. Desks, dressers, and window ledges are not to be used as support for bunking or lofting beds. Due to limited storage space, beds cannot be moved from the unit. The Residence Halls do not provide storage.


Upon arrival at Coffeyville Community College, the student reports to the Residence Hall Director. A key will not be issued to the student until the check-in process is completed.

Check-in Procedure

To complete the check-in process, the student must do the following with the Residence Hall Director or Student Life Manager:

  1. Complete, sign, and date a check-in form.
  2. Complete a Residence Hall Contract.

After the student has completed and signed the above-mentioned forms, a room key will be issued by the Residence Hall Director.

Check-out Procedure

Each student must complete the following basic check-out procedure before leaving campus at the end of each year or semester or if the student drops out of school (if they are graduating or not returning to the Residence Halls):

  1. Schedule a time with the Residence Hall Personnel to complete a check-out inventory form (24 hour advance notice is required).
  2. Clean the room and unit.
  3. Complete and sign the check-out form with the Student Life Manager in charge of the unit.
  4. Turn in room key. A student who does not return a room key will be billed for a lock core change and/or replacement key charge.
  5. Each resident must check out in person.

Failure to follow these procedures will result in an assessment of a fee of $50, and any additional charges for cleaning, room damages, and key lock replacement.


Each resident will complete a standard inventory during the check-in procedure. It is the resident’s responsibility to complete the check- in procedure and assure that it accurately reflects the condition of the living unit. A resident will be billed for damages not recorded on the inventory check-in form.

Moving off Campus

After a resident has checked into the Residence Halls, the housing contract cannot be canceled by a student who chooses to move off campus. A resident should not make a verbal or written agreement for off-campus accommodations without being aware that he/she is still responsible for the charges pertaining to the balance of the Residence Hall room and board contract to turn down the sound equipment, and if this does not work, call the security box in the appropriate Residence Hall.

Single Rooms

Ordinarily, every resident will have a roommate. Requests for single rooms will be approved ONLY when space is available. Single room requests should be made to the Residence Hall Director. If granted, additional fees do apply.