Academic Accommodations
The Senior Director of Enrollment Management and Student Success will work with Academic Accommodation Committee to advise and provide support services to all students with mental or physical disabilities; hearing or visual impairments; and/or, individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) covered under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the 1973 Rehabilitation Act Section 504; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and/or, ADA Amendments of 2008. Students requesting special assistance, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids, either temporary or permanent, are required to submit documentation to the Senior Director of Enrollment Management and Student Success.
Accommodations documentation must indicate that their disability, impairment, or Limited English Proficiency substantially limits one or more of the major life activities, interferes with his or her performance in course work, prevents access to classes, enrollment, or other college services. Reasonable and appropriate support services could include, but are not limited to: tutors, interpreters, extra testing time, distraction free testing room, readers, note-takers, large print handouts or tests, and specialized or adaptive equipment.

Requesting Accommodations
- Students should contact Pam Feerer at 620-252-7135, the Senior Director of Enrollment Management and Student Success and complete an Academic Accommodation Request. The request must be submitted for each semester that the student needs accommodations.
- Students are encouraged to contact the Senior Director of Enrollment Management and Student Success as early as possible because some accommodations may take weeks or even months to arrange
- Students will need to provide comprehensive documentation of learning or physical disability, hearing or visual impairment, or Limited English Proficiency which is complete and supports the request for accommodations.
- The documentation should be an age appropriate assessment conducted within the past three years by a trained and qualified professional that shows the students current level of functioning and how the disability affects academic performance.
- If the documentation does not contain objective data regarding aptitude, achievement and information processing, the Academic Accommodation Committee may request a re-evaluation at the student’s expense before consideration is given.
- All requests for accommodations and services will be considered on a case by case basis.
- The Senior Director of Enrollment Management and Student Success will develop a Letter of Accommodations for each of the student’s instructors outlining the approved accommodations.
- Students must self-identify each semester as a person with a learning or physical disability, hearing or visual impairment, or Limited English Proficiency by presenting a copy of the Letter of Accommodations to each instructor they want notified.
- Students can self-identify at any time during an academic course but Coffeyville Community College has no responsibility to make accommodations retroactive.
- The instructor and student should sign and agree to the Letter of Accommodations and return the original copy to the Senior Director of Enrollment Management and Student Success.
- A student should report to Pam Feerer at 620-252-7135 the Senior Director of Enrollment Management and Student Success any difficulty they may be experiencing with the agreed upon accommodations.