The thirteenth annual recognition celebration of the Eta Gamma Chapter at Coffeyville Community College was held Sunday, May 2, at 2:00 p.m. in the Spencer/Rounds Theatre. Theme for the event was “The Phi Theta Kappa Experience: Getting Here – Going There.” During the afternoon, seventy-two new members of the Eta Gamma Chapter were inducted while seventy graduates were presented their gold stoles and tassels, the official graduation regalia of Phi Theta Kappa members world-wide. The 2010 marshals for the processional of chapter graduates and new inductees were Janice Lair of Lenapah, Eta Gamma Honorary Member and Daniel Funk, 2005 International Coca Cola Scholar and former Eta Gamma Chapter Officer. He is also a recent graduate of Pittsburg State University with a master’s degree in business administration. The Phi Theta Kappa Song recorded by the choir at Copiah-Lincoln Community College, Wesson, Mississippi, served as music for the processional. William Fulls, Eta Gamma President, welcomed the nearly two hundred attendees and provided an introduction for the afternoon’s festivities. Jeremy Willard, Eta Gamma member and newly elected president of the Kansas Region brought greetings from the region and its twenty-nine chapters. The keynote address, “Getting Here – Going There,” was presented by Charles Babb, Advisor of the Omega Iota Chapter at Neosho County Community College. Mr. Babb challenged the Phi Theta Kappa members to acknowledge those persons who had helped them to achieve their associate’s degree. Chapter initiatives, Eta Gamma’s opportunities for service, were discussed by Chapter Advisor Linda McFate who presented information on Project Graduation and two children’s cancer programs, The Children’s Cancer Connection and CureSearch. CCC English instructor and the college’s Relay For Life Team Captain, shared information regarding fundraising efforts for the American Cancer Society and a Chapter activity, “Quarters for a Cure.” Each inductee and graduating sophomore was presented a medicine bottle with Relay for Life label and asked to return the bottle full of quarters equivalent to $6.50 donation. Over 70 students were inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at the spring recognition celebration. Graduating PTK Officers were honored for their leadership to the chapter (l-r) Falicia Mansfield of South Coffeyville, Okla.; Kari Vannoster of Coffeyville, Kan.; Shelby Hannigan of South Coffeyville, Okla. and Nayshona Jones of Kansas City, Kan. PTK member Wayne Chism stands with his mom who was honored for her support and many cookies baked for the club members. Chapter and individual awards were presented by Advisor McFate and Kansas Region Chapter Awards included: Honors In Action Distinguished Recognition; Five Star Level, Five Star Chapter Development Project; Sister Chapter Award Honorably Mention; Scholarship Service, and Leadership Hallmark Awards; Great Idea Award; and Continued Excellence Award. The chapter was also nominated for the National Hertzog National Parks Volunteerism Award. From the International Society level, the chapter received the Top 100 Chapter Certificate, the Leadership and Service Hallmarks, Distinguished Chapter Award, and was asked to present an Educational Forum at International Convention in Orlando. The individual awards from the Kansas Region included the following: All-Kansas Academic Team Members, William Fulls and Falicia Mansfield; Distinguished Chapter President, Distinguished Recognition, William Fulls; Outstanding Chapter Officer Honorable Mention, Falicia Mansfield; Outstanding Chapter Member Honorable Mention, Kari Vannoster; Distinguished Alumnus Award, Pam Howe; Achievement in Arts Award, Jacob Bowles; and Achievement in Literature Award Honorable Mention, Morgan Rolls. From the International Society, Falicia Mansfield was named a Coco-Cola Bronze Academic Team Member while Falicia Mansfield and William Fulls were national Guistwhite Scholar Candidates. Mrs. Annette Chism of Independence was presented a certificate of appreciation by the Chapter for her year-long support of chapter activities such as the Relay For Life Dinners. Eight Eta Gamma members were announced as 2009-2010 Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges: Sierra Allen, Wayne Chism, William Fulls, Valorie Hathcoat, Nayshona Jones, Falicia Mansfield, Megan Robertson, and Torwin Smart. The following chapter officers took part in the induction ceremony and assisted with the induction of individual members: William Fulls, Falicia Mansfield, Nayshona Jones, and Cody Vali. Assisting with the stoling of the graduating sophomores were: John Greenfield, Charles Babb, Linda McFate, Jeremy Willard, and Daniel Funk. Following the ceremonies attendees were guests at a reception where the hostesses were Irene Guest, Annette Chism, and Alicia Mansfield. The late spring Eta Gamma inductees included: Amber Allen, Alexander Anderson, Rachael Arkfeld, Jacob Asbridge, Kari Bachman, Tyler Barton, Zachary Bartz, Amber Blant, Clancy Bowser, Jennifer Burrows, Pauletta Cavendar, Chelsea Childs, Mary Conn, Andrew Crumpacker, Kathryn Cure, Allison Davis, Pilar Davis, Clint Diver, Jakey Dobbs, David Durbin, Jennifer Easley, Nathan Enyart, Amelia Firns-Hubert, Josette Flores, Ashley Flournay, Britnee Foster, Lisa Garber, Amber Garner, Clifton Gee, Rebecca George, Blake Hageman, Kody Halfhide, Charles Hammonds, Mitchell Hand, Kati Hayward, Casey Heiter, Brittany Hoggatt, Kyle Hunt, Teresa Jackson, Sherman Jenkins, Matthew Johnson, Kristi Jones, Michael Jones, Hailey Jutz, Kaylee Koch, Austin Leake, Erin Macaronas, Salena McCarter, Sarah Menke, Shawn Moody, Phillip Morris, Merrissa Palmer, Cole Penrod, Randall Pike, Jessica Pirkey, Blake Renyer, Catlin Riddle, Casey Rising, Cory Roberts, Morgan Rolls, Bethel Rose, Leah Rose, Raissa Santos, Zachary Smith, Samantha Sprague, Brandon Sutterfield, Noah Van Buren, Tabitha Vannoster, Lisa Wade, Garrett Walker, Jourdin Watkins, and Tristan Zavala. The Spring 2010 Eta Gamma Graduates include: Yusif Abudu, Maggie Adams, Ashley Albright, Sierra Allen, Alexander Anderson, Tyler Barton, Elena Blackburn, Iain Blair, Caleb Boardman, John Boatwright, Jacob Bowles, Kari Buetow, Jennifer Burrows, Eldon Campbell, Wayne Chism, Mary Conn, Tammy Daniel, Laura Darnell, Ria Dillard, David Durbin, Jennifer Easley, Robinson Ensz, Nathan Enyart, Alexandria Foster, Britnee Foster, William Fulls, Lisa Garber, Clifton Gee, Lee Ann Gingery, Zackeria Haddaway, Blake Hageman, Charles Hammonds, Mitchell Hand, Shelby Hanigan, Valorie Hathcoat, Samantha Hooper, Kyle Hunt, Sherman Jenkins, Matthew Johnson, Nayshona Jones, Jennifer Knickerbocker, Lacey Kriebel, Sheay Longstaff, Jasmere Love, Tyler Magee, Falicia Mansfield, Shawn Moody, Jesse Muller, Chelsea Nolte, Randall Pike, Crystal Rivera, Megan Robertson, Bethel Rose, Leah Rose, Rebekah Rose (December Graduate), Raissa Santos, Emily Seda, Hannah Sloan, Torwin Smart, Kristina Smith, Tewende Soubiaiga, Kayle Strauhs, Brandon Sutterfield, Brycen Thornton, Cody Vali, Noah Van Buren, Kari Vannoster, Tabitha Vannoster, Lisa Wade, and Wilfrid Zoungrana.
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