Phi Theta Kappa chapter receives top Kansas chapter award

Phi Theta Kappa chapter receives top Kansas chapter award

Members of the Coffeyville Community College Eta Gamma Chapter with awards received at the Kansas Region Convention.

The Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Coffeyville Community College was honored at the Society’s recent state convention by receiving the Continued Excellence Award for being the top Kansas Chapter. The award was presented at the conclusion of the awards ceremony, at the Courtyard Marriott, Salina on Saturday, March 6. The conference began on March 5 with registration of art and literature entries. CCC was represented by Leslee Kesterson with a self oil portrait, Jacob Bowles with a sculpture, and Morgan Rolls with a short story. Rebecca George and Jeff McCloud participated in the Feed the Guard Service Project. They traveled to the National Guard Armory where they helped to fix and serve lunch, and clean-up for 53 guardsmen. Chapter President and Kansas Region Vice President of the Southern District William Fulls provided leadership to the Honors In Action Committee Meeting on “Litter Control/Clean Communities.” During the roll call of chapters and parade of chapter banners, Eta Gamma presented a skit written and produced by Cody Vali which included interesting facts about Coffeyville Community College. Members also “dumped” their penny collections in to the region piggy bank with the donations presented to the Red Cross for Haitian relief. Keynote speaker for Friday evening’s general session was Steve Thompson, CSCI Program Director, Computer Science and web development instructor at Garden City Community College. During the regional officer candidate nominations, Eta Gamma member Jeremy Willard was nominated for region president and his campaign team promoted his platform during the region political rally.During General Session III, members heard the International Headquarters update by representative Luke Davis, the State of the Region Report by Tammy Fuentez, and the regional officer candidate speeches. The members participated in break-out sessions that focused upon alumni information, the Competitive Edge Program, International Convention in Orlando, the Orphan Grain Train, Five Star Chapter Development Plan, and Leadership Opportunities. General Session IV found members voting for regional officers and receiving the final report on the Kansas Region Honors In Action Project and information on the Hallmark Award Program changes. During free time, the chapter toured the Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure. Following the Saturday evening formal banquet, Eta Gamma received the following during the Regional Awards Ceremony: Chapter Awards - Continued Excellence; Scholarship, Leadership, and Service Hallmarks, Great Idea Award, 1st Runner-Up and Distinguished Region and $60 for the Honors In Action Project and Essay; Five Star Chapter Development Program; Honorable Mention Sister Chapter Award with Omega Iota, Neosho County Community College. Individual Awards - Achievement in Literature Award Honorable Mention, Morgan Rolls; Distinguished Chapter President Award, Distinguished Recognition, William Fulls; Kansas Region 2009-2010 Achievement in Art 1st place, Jacob Bowles; Most Distinguished Alumni Award, Pam Howe; Outstanding Chapter Officer, Honorable Mention, Falicia Mansfield; and Outstanding Chapter Member Honorable Mention, Kari Vannoster. During the formal region officer induction, Jeremy Willard, Eta Gamma, was installed as the new region president. Joining Jeremy are the following new officers: Jeff Hughes, Garden City Community College Alumni Relations; Megan Wilkins, Labette County Community College, Vice President of Correspondence; Patricia Mansker, Cloud County Geary Campus, Vice President of the Northern District; Sondra Smith, Independence Community College, Vice President of the Southern District; and April Young, Hutchinson Community College, Vice President of the Western District. Representing Coffeyville Community College at the Kansas Region Convention were: Michael Welch, Yusif Abudu, David Cornett, Cody Vali, Jeremy Willard, Leslee Kesterson, Michael Jones, Johannes Muller, Tristan Zivala, Jeff McCloud, William Fulls, Torey Smart, Valorie Hathcoat, Shelby Hanigan, Falicia Mansfield, Rebecca George, Kari Vannoster, Ria Dillard, Alexandria Foster, Pam Howe, Janice Lair and Linda McFate.