Phi Theta Kappa members at Coffeyville Community College participated in a Kansas Region Service Project when they assisted with the St. Jude Memphis Memorial Weekend December 2-4. This service project was selected for the Kansas Regional Honors in Action Project dealing with childhood illness and disease. Thirty-four representatives from the Kansas Region of Phi Theta Kappa arrived at the Memphis Cook Convention Center where race packets were obtained and members visited the Vendor Exposition Fair featuring race related items. Members had their choice of participating in the 26.2 mile full marathon, the ½ marathon for 13.1 miles, the 5K for 3.1 miles or the family one mile walk. Nine members represented the Kansas Region in the event (eight members and one advisor) with Jeremy Willard from the Eta Gamma Chapter participating in the 5K and Jeff Hughes from the Garden City chapter in the full marathon. Other Eta Gamma members provided leadership at the first water and Gatorade station. Following the event, there was a barbeque dinner on Beale Street for all participants. The St. Jude Memphis Marathon raised three million dollars for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital that treats over 5,700 children a year. Families are not required to pay for the costs above insurance, and no child is turned away because of the family’s inability to pay. The Target House, Ronald McDonald House, and Grizzly House serve family needs while the children are receiving treatment. Proceeds from the 5K race were specifically directed toward the Grizzly House. While in Memphis, the CCC students visited the St. Jude Museum with its poignant quotations such as “No child should die in the dawn of life.” The students also visited the Thomas Memorial Garden and the hospital gift shop. In describing the service project, Jeremy Willard, Eta Gamma member and Kansas Region President said, “The event in total was an amazing experience. It was so well organized. Personally, it was a fun event while also very somber with people on the roadside holding posters with the birth and death dates of their child and the words, “thank you.” While in Memphis, the students viewed the Memphis Christmas Parade and had dinner with chapter alumnus Angela Carr Leedy, husband Darron, and daughters Shaley and Brileigh. Attending from the Eta Gamma Chapter were: Lauren Bell, Kristy Lynn Jones, Jacy Bach, Jakey Dobbs, Jolene Reed, Kristy Goldsmith, Jeremy Willard, Linda McFate, and Roy and Melinda Carr.
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