Eta Gamma members attend Lobby Day

Eta Gamma members attend Lobby Day

Posing with the American Cancer Society Poster is (l-r) Kathryn Cure of Baxter Springs, Kan.; Rebecca George of Denison, Kan.; Gabriella Lawson of Coffeyville, Kan.; Caitlin Hollinger of Wichita, Kan.; and Lauren Cox of Coffeyville, Kan.

hi Theta Kappa members at Coffeyville Community College had an opportunity to experience grassroots advocacy when they attended the American Cancer Society’s Kansas Lobby Day at the Kansas State Capitol. The event was held Thursday, March 10, at Jayhawk Tower and the Kansas State Capitol. Following registration and lunch in the Florentine room of Jayhawk Tower, a welcome and introductions were presented by Stephanie Weiter, Regional Vice President of Kansas. Chris Masoner, Legislative/Government Relations Director and Dave Heinemann, American Cancer Society Contract Lobbyist addressed the attendees. Ryann Summerford, Grassroots Advocacy Manger shared “How to Conduct a Legislative Meeting and Logistics.” The meeting then adjourned to the capitol for a group photo and media interviews on the south steps of the Capitol. Several hundred Relay For Life Luminaries lined the capitol steps while some formed the words, “Fight Back.” The impressive display also featured large posters promoting cancer awareness and advocacy. Concluding the students’ experience was a legislative visit with State Senator Dwayne Umbarger following his Education Committee Meeting. During the meeting with Senator Umbarger, the students discussed the ACS’s 2011 Kansas Legislative Priorities which include the Kansas comprehensive smoke-free law, other tobacco products tax parity, and the current level of cigarette tax. Also, a priority were mammograms for women uninsured or underinsured through Kansas’ Early Detection Works Program, which provides these mammograms. While severely underfunded, it is estimated the program still serves one in five eligible women. The final 2011 Kansas Legislative Priority is Tobacco Prevention and Cessation. Millions of tobacco users want to quit but struggle to do so. Smokers and other tobacco users need access to a range of treatments to find the most effective cessation tools which work for them. ACS is working to secure additional funding for tobacco prevention and cessation programs, and to ensure comprehensive cessation treatments and counseling are covered as health benefits. Members of CCC’s Phi Theta Kappa Chapter recently completed an Honors in Action Project, “A Comparative Study of Adult and Childhood Cancer.” Chapter members also help to sponsor the College’s Relay For Life activities including the monthly chicken and noodle dinners served in the fellowship hall of the First United Methodist Church, 10th and Elm. The next dinner will be Thursday, March 31, serving from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Those Eta Gamma members participating in Lobby Day were Lauren Cox, Kathryn Cure, Gabrielle Lawson, Caitlin Bollenger, Rebeka Ollek, and Advisor Linda McFate.