Seventeen members of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Coffeyville Community College attended the Kansas Region Honors in Action Conference November 7-9. The event was held at the Courtyard by Marriott in Junction City. Theme for the conference was Frontiers and the Spirit of Exploration. The First General Session was sponsored by Newman University and featured chapter introductions and the Channing Bear Competition sponsored by the Kansas Region Alumni Association. The international Headquarters update was presented by Trevor Mileur, international vice president of Division III.
Following dinner in the Cottonwood Ballroom, the CCC students participated in a college fair which featured representatives from Newman, Kansas State, Emporia State, Washburn, St. Mary’s, Kansas, Ottawa, Baker, Nebraska, Pittsburg, and Wichita Universities and Bethany College as well as Kansas Wesleyan. The second General Session was sponsored by Kansas State University and featured the nine themes of the Honors in Action Project in an Honors in Action Town Hall meeting format with Kevin Blackwell, Humanities Instructor at the Ottawa Campus of Neosho County College. Instructor Blackwell served as a 2014 Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Scholar. Members divided into ten seminar groups to discuss questions related to the conference theme and produce videos emphasizing the benefits of Phi Theta Kappa.
Saturday’s activities began early with a 7:00 a.m. Alumni Association Fun Run/Walk for Scholarships. The Third General Session, sponsored by Kansas Wesleyan College, featured the Kansas Region Honors in Action Project including theme, question, and research. Brenda Edleston, Associate Vice President, Cloud County Community College – Geary Campus presented the keynote, “Exploring College Success.”
During the afternoon’s breakout sessions, Eta Gamma alums Aaron Neely and Eric Mueller presented “Community College Competition Challenge.” The Eta Gamma Chapter participated in the poster session and also presented a breakout session, “Including Research Instruments as a Vital Component of Your Honors in Action Project.” Presenters were Sara Lumm, Jesus Medina, and Linda McFate. The Fourth General Session, sponsored by Emporia State University, featured the Kansas Region Business Meeting and the Kansas Region Honors in Action Leadership and Action Portions. Saturday evening provided a dinner and dance with trivia and karaoke. Concluding the conference was a keynote address, “Tattooing Your Leadership Legacy” by Tim Mousseau, professional speaker from Colorado.
The Eta Gamma Chapter received second place in the Phi Theta Kappa Trivia Competition and third place in the cheer/chant competition. They also participated in the region service project, Cold Weather Gear Collection which provided coats, scarves, gloves, and hats for local children.
Attending from the Eta Gamma chapter were: Sang Pierre Gomez, Jesus Medina, Trae Venerable, Jarad Taylor, Eric Mueller, Sara Lumm, Kelsea Brooks, Katlyn Weve, Dezirae Hamrick, Aubrey Liby, Allison Walker, Athena Phifer, Rayanndra Garontie, Linda McFate, Dominique Liddell, Linelle Wilson and Barbara Palmer.
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