Forty-one members of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at Coffeyville Community College attended the March 25 meeting of the Society. Following a chicken and noodle dinner, the members took part in an ice breaker led by Co-Vice Presidents of Fellowship Dalton Lockwood and Mercades Price. Theme for the educational program was “Eta Gamma Goes International” with PowerPoint presentations by Kacie Serrault on Blankets Plus and Eric Mueller on the Passport Study Abroad Program.
Chapter president Aaron Neely called the meeting to order with Chapter Secretary Karen Stoehr in charge of attendance, minutes, and correspondence. It was announced that the chapter will hold two Better Books Drives before the end of spring semester with Bethany Alrod serving a project chairman.
Aaron Neely presented the Leadership Hallmark Report that included a Kansas Region Convention update where he and Eric Mueller were elected region officers. Neely also shared that Eta Gamma officers attended Tau Theta New Member Induction on March 12. Fourteen members are making plans to attend International Convention in San Jose April 3-7. He also announced that the chapter has twelve five level Kansas Region Active Members and that the chapter’s college completion ceremony will be April 24.
Vice President of Scholarship Caitlin Sheperd announced that the Phi Theta Kappa Common Spring Scholarship Application is now open and that all freshmen members are eligible to apply. Caitlin also announced that the chapter had selected Theme 5, It’s a Small World: Competition and Geography – “How has access to resources such as oil, gas and water affect competition among nations and regions of the world?” Julia Reitz and Madison Bush were introduced as March Members of the Month.
Co-Vice Presidents of Service Kacie Serrault and Julia Reitz announced plans for a canned food drive to benefit local pantries. Members also shared service projects they assisted with at Kansas Region Convention in Hutchinson including the zoo, BirthRight, and soup kitchen. Action items associated with the honors topic such as KickStart were discussed.
Co-Vice Presidents of Fellowship Price and Lockwood discussed plans for the upcoming campus dance on April 12 as well as activities for the residents of Asbury Village. It was announced that member Evelyne N’Gouan was awarded the Kansas Alumni Life Happens Scholarship and Caitlin Shepard, the college book transfer scholarship.
In the advisor report, members were encouraged to sign-up to be considered for a chapter officer and member of the Honors in Action Committee. It was announced that members’ art work is on display in the glass room of Weinberg Hall. Additional upcoming chapter events include a car show on April 20, Holden’s Hope 5K Run in Pittsburg May 4, and the chapter stoling and recognition celebration May 5. Awards received at the Kansas Region Convention were presented to the membership.
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