The Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Coffeyville Community College met for a general membership meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday, October 7, in room 107 Weinberg Hall. The meeting began with members repeating the Phi Theta Kappa mission statement which is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. President Eric Mueller called the meeting to order. Secretary Karen Stoehr presented the minutes of the September 23 general meeting. Karen also shared a thank-you note from Omega Iota Chapter, and information packets from Branson, Bethany College, Kettering University, and Cornell University. Chapter advisor Linda McFate presented the financial report for Conner Traxson. During old business, the By-Laws Committee proposed changes to membership requirements which were approved unanimously. Membership requirements are now set at a minimum of twelve credit hours with a 3.5 Grade Point Average. The new requirements now await administrative approval.
Eric Mueller gave the Leadership Hallmark Report which included a summary of the Western and Southern District Meetings, announcement of Conner Traxson as Member of the Month, announcement of Eta Gamma’s new Leadership Library and details on the upcoming trip to the Iowa Leadership Conference in Mason City. Each officer shared their progress in the Five Star Competition.
Co-Vice Presidents of Scholarship Jessika Hamrick and Brianna Spence presented the Scholarship Hallmark Report. They expressed the need for films on the Honors Study Topic, reported on the Friends of the Brown Mansion meeting, gave an update on the Honors in Action Project, and reported on the Case Study Challenge. Luke Hailey was introduced as a new Vice President of Scholarship and was presented with his officer badge.
Co-Vice Presidents of Service Miranda Akers and Beth Acridge gave the Service Hallmark Report. Items included were the Elk Falls Outhouse Festival Committee, Operation Christmas Child, campus food drive, CureSearch Childhood Cancer Walk in Tulsa and car wash benefitting the Red Cross. Co-Vice Presidents of Fellowship Bethany Walrod and Scott Silknitter gave the Fellowship Hallmark report. Members were informed of the skybox social with sister chapter Tau Theta, Labette, at the Butler/Coffeyville football game, Red Raven Holiday, hayrack ride/bonfire at the Traxson farm and the Oklahoma State University Homecoming Walk-Around October 18. International Students Representative Li Yang reported on the water surveys given to all international students. Vice President of Public Relations Paige Porter shared the newspaper articles featuring the chapter and stated an article on the Osage Springs Vineyard had been sent to a New York magazine, the Wine Spectator. Paige announced that officer biographies and photos were now on the college website while Eric Mueller’s campaign for international Phi Theta Kappa is progressing.
Relay For Life Co-Chairmen Bethany Walrod and Darah Sherwood reported on the Precious Moments figurine fundraiser. Chapter Advisor Linda McFate reported on new member recruitment, the chapter Honors in Action Project, the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship and All USA-Today Scholarship Program. Members had the opportunity to volunteer to assist with a Midland Theatre fundraiser to be held October 29.
The chapter’s upcoming events include the Iowa Fall Leadership Conference at Mason City October 23-25 and Trick or Treat so Kids Can Eat October 30.
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