Rachael Jones, Field Kindley High School student presented the educational program when members of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa met for their September 19 meeting in 107, Weinberg Hall on the CCC Campus. Rachael was introduced by the chapter’s vice president of scholarship Hannah Potter. As part of the Chapter’s Honors In Action Project, The Democratization of Information: Power, Peril, and Promise, Eta Gamma provided transportation for Rachael to attend a Global Leadership Forum at the United World College of the American West in Montezuma, New Mexico. The thirty forum participants represented various world cultures and religion while the two-week summer program empowered participants with leadership skills and the ability to dialogue. Rachael’s PowerPoint program shared scenes of the school, meditation center, home stay family house, and beautiful New Mexico scenery.
The business meeting was called to order by chapter president Caitlin Hollinger who encouraged members to sign several thank-you cards. Treasurers Tyler Sprague and James Deckard reported on Raven gear sales, cleaning Veterans Memorial Stadium, Amazon gift wrapping and selling cookie dough and cheese cakes from the Cookie House.
Caitlin Hollinger reported on the Kansas Region Southern District Meeting in Parsons attended by nineteen members as well as the CCC September Board of Trustees meeting where Hannah Potter was presented as the Phi Theta Kappa Member of the Month. Co Vice-President of Service Melissa Morgan reported on the chapter’s involvement with the Mike White Memorial Car Show, Operation Christmas Child Open House, Laps for Little Ones at Cacia Hall, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Marathon, and the Spooky Hollow Spook Trail in Edna.
Vice President of Scholarship Hannah Potter reported on the chapter’s upcoming trip to the United World College of the American West in Montezuma, New Mexico. Members filled out questionnaires on Kansas as part of the Kansas Region Honors In Action Project.
Vice President of Fellowship LaToya Johnson announced the following dates: movie nights September 27 and October 18 at 7:00 p.m. in Weinberg 142; Casino Night homecoming week activity, October 5, and the annual Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat dinner, scavenger hunt, and trick or treating for non-perishable food items at 6:00 p.m., 209 West Martin, October 27. Members will also have an opportunity to attend the Oklahoma State University homecoming walk-around on October 28.
Co Vice-Presidents of Communication Muhammed Sannoh and Xavier N’Gouan announced the chapter membership directories are completed as well as the group e-mail list. The chapter voted to prepare an entry for the Kansas Community College Video Contest.
International Students Representative Cecilia Kamau reported a fellowship dinner with international students is being planned for November. Relay For Life chairman Alexandria Black shared dates of upcoming fundraisers with two chicken and noodle dinners planned for the fall and two for the spring. Advisor Linda McFate shared scholarship opportunities and information on the 5K and Virtual Run for Scholarships at the November Kansas Region meeting in Manhattan. The next general membership meeting of the chapter will be October17 at 6:00 p.m. in room 107, Weinberg Hall. The educational program will be presented by Gary Price of Olathe, Kansas.
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