Members of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Coffeyville Community College met in room 107 Weinberg Hall at 6:00 p.m. Monday, April 18, for their general membership meeting. Following a fellowship dinner, vice president Erasmo Tejeda introduced the guest speaker, CCC psychology instructor Mike Arpin, who discussed the relationship between body image and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Mr. Arpin shared that Bulimia was not recognized until the late 1970s as an eating disorder and that today, 1 to 5% of the population may be affected by eating disorders of some type. Eating disorders are most closely related to body image affecting women more often than men. Abuse of steroids appears to be more common in men than women, but also connected with body image. Depression often leads to eating which leads to purging. Eating disorders appear to be progressive and connected with anxiety and past traumas. Eating disorders regarding food are difficult to treat because patients have to “go back to food” at some point. It was pointed out that shame often accompanies eating disorders and shame is never productive. A question and answer period followed the educational program.
Interim president Jesus Medina called the chapter business meeting to order with members repeating the Society Mission Statement. Lisha Lamb, a graduate from Caney Valley High School was introduced as the Eta Gamma Member of the Month. It was also announced that Officer Candidate interviews would be April 21, at 1:00 p.m. in the Board of Trustees Conference Room.
Vice President of Scholarship Erasmo Tejeda announced Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships and their application deadlines. Former chapter president Eric Mueller has been named as the recipient of the $20,000 Beoren Scholarship for study abroad; he will leave this fall for Japan. It was also noted that the deadline for ordering graduation stoles and tassels is April 20.
The vice president of service, Evalys Azuara announced plans for Project Graduation while Membership Chairman Reina Garcia introduced the chapter’s four new members. Relay For Life Chairman Karen McKenzie announced helping the Lions Club by selling their pancake feed tickets. Vice Presidents of Fellowship, Victoria Smith and Morgan Porter, announced that the chapter has been invited to assist our Sister Chapter, Tau Theta at Labette Community College with a Ronald McDonald House service project on April 29, and to assist with the CCC Foundation Scholarship Auction on April 30.
The chapter’s annual Recognition Celebration will be Sunday, May 1, at 2:00 p.m. in the Spencer Rounds theatre with new inductees, graduating sophomores, friends and family invited. The chapter’s 2016-2017 Officers will also be installed at that time.
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