Members of Eta Gamma show off the hardware won at the Kansas-Nebraska Region Convention held in Wichita on March 3-5.
Members of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Coffeyville Community College participated in the Kansas-Nebraska Region Convention. The event was held March 3-5 at the Wichita Holiday Inn East. The convention featured session sponsors including The University of Kansas, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Nebraska Methodist College, Kansas State University, Southwestern College, Hastings College and Newman University.
The first general session featured a chapter cheer/chant/song competition with Eta Gamma receiving third place. The International Headquarters update and evening keynote address were presented by international officer Sydney Pemberton. A highlight of general session two was a panel discussion presented by former regional officers including Eta Gamma's past president, Aaron Neely. The evening concluded with a regional officer political rally and stand up comedian Doug Wilson.
Saturday's agenda featured the regional officer candidate speeches and regional business meeting followed by two rounds of break-out sessions, one of which, Honors in Action Project, was presented by Eta Gamma. The afternoon was spent touring the amazing exhibits of the Museum of World Treasures.
Following Saturday evening's banquet, the regional awards were presented, new officers were installed, and a masquerade ball was enjoyed. Before adjourning on Sunday, members had the opportunity to hear keynote inspirational speaker Rob Quillen whose topic was "Why Wait?" His book, "Why Wait," was a finalist for International Book of the Year.
Eta Gamma members receiving plaques for 5 Star Competitive Edge Program completion were: Courtney Crane, Kenneth Dodson, Lisa Lamb, Andres Mora, Tim Munday, Cristin Shepard, Wesley Merritt, Morgan Porter, Reina Garcia, Karen Sue McKenzie, Victoria Smith, Meaghan Rettele, and Tanner Vieyra. Eta Gamma received first place in two of the three art categories with Ashlynn Grayum winning the painting and drawing category and Rayanndra Darbro, the ceramics division, while Eryn Cox placed fourth. Cristin Shepard, Andres Mora, and Bailey Jackson exhibited in the photography division.
Eta Gamma also received first place in the literature division with a story, "The Life of Henrietta Lacks" submitted by Alex Arline. Linda Marang received fourth in the same division. In other competitions, Eta Gamma received first place in the following: Sister Chapter, Service Award, Outstanding Member, Wesley Merritt, and Distinguished Chapter Officer, Courtney Crane. Lisha Lamb placed fourth in the Distinguished Chapter Officer division.
The Outstanding Chapter Officer Team placed first and members include Lisha Lamb, Meaghan Rettele, Courtney Crane, Cristin Shepard, Tomecca Andrews, Michael Glavan, Kaaren Sue McKenzie, Courtney Hambleton, Kenny Dodson, Ray Darbro, Wendy Neri, Tim Munday, Andres Mora and Russell Cashman.
Linda McFate received the Advisor Continued Excellence Award while Jesus Medina received first place in Outstanding Alumni competition. The chapter Great Idea received fifth place, yearbook third place, and the chapter received the 5 Star Recognition certificate. Eta Gamma was first runner-up in College Project, Honors in Action and Most Outstanding Chapter.
Students representing Eta Gamma at the convention were Courtney Crane, Lisha Lamb, Cristin Shepard, Adrianna Jensen, Mondrel Andrews, Jesus Medina, Tim Munday, Kenny Dodson, Jacen Clapp, Wesley Merritt, Rayanndra Darbro, Elia Saucedo and Wendy Neri.