Darla Marquardt of Joplin Lowe's presents Jeff Phillips of Coffeyville Community College Columbus Technical Campus with $10,000 check to improve the Automotive and Collision Technology Departments. Include in the picture are members of SkillsUSA.
Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation, in partnership with SkillsUSA, has awarded a $10,000 grant to the Coffeyville Community College (CCC) Columbus Technical Campus for the improvement of the Collision Repair and Automotive Service Technology programs. The grant will purchase three mobile diagnostic stations to expand current training capabilities into the automotive and collision labs. The mobile carts with laptop computers will give students at-the-vehicle access to our online repair and estimating software, along with the students’ online textbook. A mobile diagnostic scanner will also be purchased to allow the students to perform function tests, troubleshoot drivability problems and apply diagnostic procedures on current vehicles applicable to industry standards. The students will use the knowledge obtained from these programs at SkillsUSA contest as well in the field. Lowe’s is a proud supporter of SkillsUSA, a national nonprofit organization of students, teachers and industry, working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. “The grant in Cherokee County, Kansas, represents Lowe’s commitment to both education and community improvement,” said Larry D. Stone, chairman of Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation. “By supporting local schools like the CCC Columbus Technical Campus, we believe we are not only investing in community projects that are important to our customers and employees, but we’re also helping schools build a stronger foundation for the students who will be tomorrow’s employees, homeowners and community leaders.”