Students in the first Practical Nursing class at Coffeyville Community College (CCC) all passed the first licensure test. (front L-R) Christy Goldsmith, Topeka, Kan.; Jami Vineyard, Tyro, Kan.; and Pilar Davis, Coffeyville, Kan. (middle L-R) Lana Wright, South Coffeyville, Okla.; Alicia Grossman, Independence, Kan.; Gydel Kendrex, Coffeyville, Kan.; Carol Hagebusch, Coffeyville, Kan.; Laura Harke, Caney, Kan.; Erin Garner, Caney, Kan.; and Laurie Songer, Coffeyville, Kan. (back L-R) Jason Niemier, Cherryvale, Kan.; Maria Montgomery, Independence, Kan.; Kati Hayward, Coffeyville, Kan.; Samantha Sprague, Coffeyville, Kan.; Alyson Aitken, Caney, Kan.; Gina Whitley, Independence, Kan.; Cynthia Clough, Coffeyville, Kan.; Hali Beaver, Independence, Kan.; and Jana Sells, Coffeyville, Kan.
Coffeyville Community College (CCC), with tremendous support from the community, started a nursing program in January of 2010. The program was initially approved by the Kansas State Board of Nursing in September of 2009 to accept 24 students in both the Practical Nursing (PN) and Registered Nursing (RN) levels. CCC started the first PN class in January of 2010. Of the original 24 students, 20 made it to the final test to take the NCLEX-PN exam, which is required for licensure. Of the 20 students who tested, all 20 passed the PN exam to become Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN). “This is a great day for our program to have a 100 percent passage rate with the first class”, said Dr. Pam Di Vito-Thomas, the CCC Nursing Program Director. In Kansas, only 30 percent of all PN programs pass the initial state licensure with a 100 percent pass rate. “We are extremely proud to have accomplished this task on the first year of the nursing program as well,” said Heather Pollet, CCC Nursing Instructor. “The students also take several national standardized exams throughout the year, the Health Education Systems, Inc. (HESI) exams, and have consistently averaged in the 76th percentile, which indicates that this program has scored better on the exams than 76 percent of all other LPN programs in the nation, and as faculty, we are proud of the students in their diligence to study and perform at such high levels.” The students celebrated with family and friends at the first Nursing Program Pinning Ceremony in December. The PN graduates matriculated into the Registered Nursing classes in February 2011. A new class of 24 PN students started at CCC in January 2011. The Nursing program classes are held at the Coffeyville Technical Campus location. “We are proud of the first class of students for putting up with all the trials and tribulations that come with starting a new program,” said Nancy Garton, CCC Nursing Instructor. “CCC Nursing Program has shown, by its success that it differs than other programs in the area, both academically and clinically.”