EMT/Paramedic - Program Goals and Outcomes

Program Goals

  • To prepare Paramedics who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.
  • Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of information relevant to their role as a certified/licensed Paramedic.
  • In the laboratory, clinical and field environments the ability to perform individual and groups for motor skills in a safe, timely and efficient manner.  The graduate will be able to adapt skills to the demands of the workplace in a way that accomplishes appropriate patient care.
  • Personal behavior and attitude consistent with employer expectations and professional standards as set forth in the roles and responsibilities section of the National D.O.T. Curriculum.  Integrity, empathy, self-motivation, appearance and personal hygiene, self-confidence, communications, time management, teamwork and diplomacy, respect, patient advocacy and careful delivery of care are the fundamental values needed for success in the program and EMS professions.   


There were no graduates during the 2021, 2022, and 2023 reporting years.

Previous Outcomes

Previous Outcome 2020 2019


Positive Placement


National Registry Written Pass Rate

