CCC Honors Dr. Robert Moore and Late Wife Betty

CCC Honors Dr. Robert Moore and Late Wife Betty

Coffeyville Community College honored Dr. Robert Moore and Betty Moore at the annual Distinguished Alumni and Friends Banquet on October 7, 2011. Dr. Moore was present to accept the award for himself and on behalf of his late wife who passed away on September 29, 2011.  

Twenty-four years ago, Dr. Robert Moore attended the first CCC Foundation Board Meeting, as he was one-of-eleven people who served on the very first Foundation Board back in 1987.  He was selected because of his faithful support and love for Coffeyville Community College.  He served continually on the Board until earlier this year when he resigned, sold his home and moved to Missouri with Betty.  When he resigned, he had just finished his year as President of the Foundation Board.  He spent all of those years watching the Foundation grow and seeing the many young people begin their educational careers because of the assistance the CCC Foundation provided through scholarships.

“Dr. Moore and Betty have been avid Raven football and basketball boosters.  They attended most all of the humanities programs and loved the choir and band concerts,” said Executive Director of the CCC Foundation Dickie Rolls.

“Not only did they support CCC with their generous donations, but they were the best spokespersons for the College,” added Rolls.  “Choosing them as Distinguished Friends of CCC was an easy choice because of their years of support, their unconditional love for Coffeyville and Coffeyville Community College.”  

Both Doc and Betty enjoyed being around young people.  They were always opening their home for different groups to enjoy swimming parties, and they enthusiastically enjoyed attending sporting events.  Dr. Moore worked with the CCC football team during Dick Foster’s time as Head Coach.  Dr. Moore spent time educating the athletes on good health habits and how to take care of themselves.

“From the very beginning, Betty and Dr. Moore have been there supporting the football program,” said Coach Dick Foster.  Their dedication both financially and in deeds is inspirational for future generations.  

Betty, too, provided leadership to CCC, as she served as a member of the CCC Board of Trustees for eight years (1985-1993).  She also played golf, attended many College events, and stood beside Dr. Moore every step of the way.  It was rare to see one without the other.

"Betty and I served on the CCC Board of Trustees together for eight years,” said Janie DeVore Gillis.  “Betty was thoughtful in making decisions.  She carefully listened to others and was open to change,” said Gillis.  

“Betty used information to make the best decisions to move the Community College into the future,” added Gillis.  “Her loyalty to CCC was strong, and she dedicated her energy to making CCC the best it could be."

The Moore’s join 26 other CCC friends who have been recognized for their dedication to Coffeyville Community College through the Distinguished Alumni and Friends Award.