Eta Gamma Members Participate in Kansas Region Convention

Members of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Coffeyville Community College participated in the Kansas Region Phi Theta Kappa Convention March 9-11 at the Double Tree Hotel in Wichita.  The event saw members of the local chapter receive six first place trophies and numerous certificates of Honorable Mention and Distinguished Recognition.  The members also presented a break-out session entitled, “Designing Your Chapter’s Honors in Action Project” which featured a history of the Honors Project and the steps involved, including research and collaboration in planning a year-long honors project. The current topic is the Culture of Competition featuring ten themes from education to politics and sports.

The first general session found chapters competing for the most spirited and enthusiastic chapter chant or skit. The Eta Gamma Chapter received first place and was awarded the region’s Channing Cheer Bear for the coming year.  The Eta Gamma presentation was choreographed and produced by freshman member Mercedes Price of Caney.  During Friday evening’s general session, the following Eta Gamma members were nominated for Kansas Region Office:  Aaron Neely of Topeka for President, Caitlin Shephard of Caney for Vice President of the Southern District, and Wesley Burdiek of Topeka for Vice President of Alumni Relations.  The Friday evening entertainment was presented by the Rubber Chicken Factory, the Improvisational Comedy Troupe from Coffeyville Community College.  The troupe consists of CCC students and community members who take turns performing at various shows at the college, the community, and surrounding areas.

Keynote speakers for the general sessions included Derek Schmidt, Kansas Attorney General; Colonel Mark Johnson, Green Beret and motivational speaker; and Danny Thomas, President and General Manager for KOAM-TV, Joplin.  Eta Gamma Chapter also participated in the convention marketplace with an original oil painting of the International Headquarters Building in Jackson, Mississippi, by artist Sylvia Rutledge.  The chapter will have digital reprints available for sale.

During Saturday’s General Session III, Aaron Neely, Caitlin Shephard, and Wes Burdiek presented their regional officer candidate speeches.  During the convention free time, the local chapter toured The Castle Inn Riverside, the Historic Campbell Castle at 1155 North River Boulevard in Wichita.  Built in 1888 by Burton Harvey Campbell, this architectural masterpiece was duplicated from architectural drawings of the “mother” castle which was originally constructed in the foothills of Scotland.  After touring The Castle, the Coffeyville chapter traveled to Wichita’s Ronald McDonald House where they left a large donation of pull tabs for this recycling fundraiser. Former Coffeyville resident Lisa Adams gave the members a tour of the house and presented a talk on the history of the Ronald McDonald houses.

Following the Saturday evening banquet, the chapter received the following Kansas Region awards:  Distinguished Chapter Member – Bryant Traxson; Distinguished Chapter Officer – Caitlin Hollinger; Distinguished Advisor Award – Linda McFate; Honors in Action Award for an Academic Study on Education Variables Affecting the Democratization of Information; Distinguished Recognition, Achievement in Art, Painting/Drawing, Madeleine Shrock.  Other awards received were:  Achievement in Literature Honorable Mention, James Deckard; Achievement in Art Award Honorable Mention –Painting/Drawing, Rainy Hall; Outstanding Chapter Award, Distinguished Recognition; Great Idea Award, Honorable Mention; Service Award, Southern District, Distinguished Recognition; Five Star Level, Five Star Chapter Development Plan; College Project Award, Distinguished Recognition; Achievement in Art Award – T-Shirt Design, Hannah Potter; and Achievement in Art Award – Ceramics/Sculpture, Honorable Mention, Caitlin Hollinger.  The chapter was also recognized for its contribution in hosting the 2012 Kansas Region Convention and providing a breakout session.  Following the awards presentation, the newly elected 2012-2013 officer team was installed including Caitlin Shepard as Vice-President of the Southern District.

The convention concluded on Sunday morning with a trip to Newman University Library Conference Room where the members participated in a Numana Service Project.  Over 10,000 meals were packaged and boxed for shipment to areas where poor nutrition and starvation are prevalent such as the Horn of Africa. Numana, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c) public charity formed in August 2008 as an international hunger relief organization.

The next event for the Eta Gamma Chapter will be international convention April 10-15 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Those members and Alumni Members representing the Eta Gamma Chapter at the Kansas Region Convention were:  Caitlin Hollinger, Mercedes Price, LaToya Johnson, Bryn Reid, Caitlin Shephard, Alexandria Black, Stephanie Miller, Melissa Morgan, Cecilia Kamau, Madeleine Shrock, Hannah Potter, Racie Serrault, Hayleigh Ell, Bryant Traxson, Kyle Darnell, Aaron Neely, Wes Burdiek, Gable LaForge, Xavier N'Gouan, Phillip Hagebusch, Pamela Howe, Jacob Asbridge, and Linda McFate.