Eta Gamma students prepare to zipline while attending a retreat at Sky Ranch on Sept. 16.
Friday, September 16, found officers of the Eta Gamma Chapter at Coffeyville Community College traveling to Quapaw, Oklahoma for the chapter's annual fall leadership retreat. The officers check into the Cave Springs Sky Ranch, Bunk House #2. Ranch contact person for the retreat was Tim Finch.
The leadership training began with a DVD introducing the amenities of the Sky Ranch Cave Springs Retreat and Conference Center followed by an introduction activity, "This is my Friend." A social motives activity, "Eagles, Beavers, and Bunnies" assisted the officers with assessing their social motives type. A third activity, "Core Values and Beliefs" assisted the officers in identifying their most important values and beliefs. After reviewing the chapter calendar, the officers broke for dinner served at the ranch dining hall and activity center.
After a fellowship break, co-vice presidents of scholarship, Meaghan Rettele and Courtney Crane shared a power point presentation, "Our Experiences at International Honors Institute." The evening's activities included watching the movie, "The Way" staring Martin Sheen., The movie focused on a father's pilgrimage from France to the cathedral at Santiago, Spain. The movie relates to the chapter's Honors in Action Project, a study of pilgrimages Concluding Friday evening was a discussion of the movie and a bon fire with smores.
Following breakfast at the cafeteria, Eta Gamma officers participated in a Phi Theta Kappa Quiz Bowl with Cristin Shepard answering the most questions correctly. Afternoon of the retreat was spent at the zipline activity center. Officers attending the retreat were: Lisha Lamb, Meaghan Rettele, Courtney Crane, Cristin Shepard, Kenny Dodson, Ray Darbro, Wendy Neri, Tim Mundy, Andres Mora, Russell Cashman, and volunteer adviser Jesus Medina.