Firefighters in Action

Fire Science

Select courses of the Fire Science Program are available to Current Kansas high school students tuition free.

The Fire Science program is designed to prepare students for entry-level firefighters by providing them with the necessary knowledge of the subject field, professional skills, and state-of-the-art techniques necessary for a successful career.  

Program courses are offered in three formats, including traditional lecture and lab activities, completely online, and some as hybrid courses (partially face-to-face and partially online). The Fire Service curriculum is designed in accordance with the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) and International Fire Service Accreditation of Congress (IFSAC).

Fast Facts

2 Year Program.

Follows IFSTA Curriculum.

Courses taught by experienced fire personnel.

Accepts Prior Learning Credits (PLCs)

Scholarships available.

National Median Salary of 57k per year.